Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed.

Satisfaction guarantee badgeCustomer satisfaction is important to RimBladesUSA.

When you buy a genuine, authentic set of our RimBlades, RimSavers, or Razor Lip, your satisfaction is guaranteed for 1 year.

  • If you receive your order and you’re not satisfied with the way our products look, how they fit, or anything else, we want to hear from you. If you’re not 100% satisfied when you get your products, you can return your order for a refund within 30 days of purchase.
  • If you follow our instructions when you install RimBlades or RimSavers on your vehicle, and you have any problems with adhesion, fading, or any other defect, we will replace our product for 1 full year after the date of purchase.

If you have a problem, just email Tell us your name, when you bought, and what’s gone wrong, and we will make it right.

For more details, see our Returns Policy page.

Warranty Info

Here are some more details about our warranty and guarantee.

If you install RimBlades or RimSavers on your vehicle, and they are damaged from contact with a curb or other hazard, that is not considered a defect. That is your RimBlades or RimSavers doing their job and protecting your rims from damage, and it is not covered under our guarantee or warranty.

We do not warranty products that aren’t properly installed, so it’s very important to follow our installation instructions carefully. Still, if you have an issue with your RimBlades or RimSavers due to improper install, we can offer you a discount on a replacement set at our discretion. Just contact us.

In order for us to warranty your RimSavers or RimBlades, you must provide us with proof of purchase. If you purchased the products directly from, we can usually confirm your proof of purchase without assistance. However, if you purchased our products from a 3rd party retailer, we may require proof of purchase. Additionally, if we determine the 3rd party sold you a set of counterfeit RimBlades or RimSavers, we have the right to refuse to warranty the product.

Limited Liability: The foregoing remedy of component replacement is at the manufacturer’s discretion and is the buyer’s sole remedy.

This warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, expressed or implied. It includes replacement of the failed component. It does not include installation labor, nor does it cover any consequential damages caused by loss of use of the vehicle or failure of the component. Manufacturer’s maximum liability under this agreement shall not, in any case, exceed the price of the product claimed to be defective. There are no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.